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Native American Heritage @ SWIC Library

SWIC Library joins with the campus community in celebrating diversity!

November is designated as National Native American Heritage Month. During this observance the Library's displays commemorate the history, heritage, and culture of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives as well as acknowledge the vast achievements of America’s original indigenous people.

  • Use the TABS on the left

  • Browse the Gallery below

Take advantage of our Library Pick UP Service Watch this QUICK VIDEO on how to place a book request. Once requested, library staff will pull your item from the shelf and email you that it's ready for pick up at the library's front desk. You will need your SWIC ID to check items out of the library. The typical loan period for library items is 4 weeks. See our current library hours.
Finally, be sure to scroll down this page for a curated list of great Web Resources including Facts & Figures, History, Arts & Culture, Literature, Health & Medicine, Education, Legal Resources, Crime Prevention, Archaeology & Historic Preservation, and Native American Organizations.
Zabari-Obyoni Bell, Navajo Nation; Harvard University - Bacterial Genetics

Gallery of Books @ SWIC Library

Matika Wilbur's Project 562













Web Resources

Facts and Figures
Arts and Culture

National Museum of the American Indian

Google Arts and Culture

Health and Medicine
Legal Resources

Crime Prevention

Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Native American Organizations

Native American Heritage Month