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One way to find a topic is to browse websites specific to your area of interest. Go to any of the websites below and look for articles and headlines on something that interests you. While most of these articles will not provide in depth information, they can be a great starting point, inspiring you to explore a topic or issue in more depth.
Stream Videos and Podcasts
Watch a documentary or video on a topic that interests you. As you watch, note names of people who are interviewed or discussed, places visited and issues explored. Doing this can help you take the next step in focusing your topic and exploring it in more depth.
Ideas about Art - Collection of TED Talks from sculptors, painters, illustrators and photographers
Arts and Humanities Topics
- Abstract Expressionism
- African-Americans, portrayal in…
- African Dance
- afterlife
- agnosticism
- aliens
- amusement parks
- ancient cultures
- ancient musical instruments
- ancient Roman bath houses
- angels
- animal fighting events, ethics of
- animal testing, ethics of
- animation
- anime/manga
- anti-Semitism in literature
- art glass
- Arthurian legend
- Arts & Crafts movement
- atonement
- autobiography, art of
- bagpipes
- Bayeux tapestry
- beat poets
- Beatles, cultural impact
- bebop to hip-hop
- body piercing
- Bono (U2) activism
- Buddhism
- butoh
- carnivals & circuses
- carousels
- castrati
- celebrity
- censorship in journalism/of the media
- censorship in contemporary art
- cloning, ethics
- comic strips
- concrete poetry
- creationism vs. evolution
- Crusades
- cultural speech
- dance as meditation
- Dance of Death
- Day of the Dead
- Delphic Oracle
- demonology
- disinformation
- dragons & other mythical beasts
- ecology in art
- economic context of a novel
- ecopoetry/ecocriticism
- electronic music
- elegies
- embedded journalists
- epitaphs
- Esperanto
- euthanasia
- evil
- fairy tales
- faith healing
- fate
- Fauves
- feng shui
- fiber art
- free will
- Freudian interpretation
- fundamentalism
- fur fasion, ethics
- gargoyles
- ghosts and poltergeists
- Gnostics
- goddesses
- Golum
- Gothic
- graphic novels
- Guerrilla Girls
- Gullah dialect
- gypsies
- Harlem Renaissance
- heaven
- the hero in literature
- Hinduism
- hip hop culture
- hippies
- hipsters
- historic preservation
- history of the tuba, piano, etc.
- holy grail
- humor
- icons
- immortality
- incarnation
- Indigo children
- information theory (in literature)
- Islam
- jazz, contemporary
- Kabuki theater
- karma
- kinetic sculpture
- kissing customs
- klezmer music
- labyrinth in religion
- lace
- line, texture, color across the arts
- liturgy
- Lost Colony
- magic
- make-up--fashion or stage
- manners
- Mardi Gras
- media ethics
- meme
- method acting
- mime
- minimalism
- misinformation
- modern murals
- monasteries
- monsters in mythology
- morality
- mosaic, ancient & modern
- movies' influence on fashion
- mummies
- music festivals
- music therapy
- musical satire
- mystery plays
- mysticism
- myths, similarity across cultures
- Nation of Islam
- neo-romanticism
- Nihilism
- nirvana
- Nobel Prize
- nocturnes
- noh
- non-sexist language
- non-violence
- Nostradamus
- nymphs
- opera, contemporary
- organ transplant ethics
- otherkin
- paganism
- papacy
- plagiarism
- post-modern architecture
- priests and marriage?
- pyramids
- racism
- raku pottery
- rap lyrics as poetry
- "reality" tv--realistic?
- reincarnation
- religious holidays in various countries
- rhythm & blues
- right to privacy
- robots
- rose windows
- saxophone in the symphony
- science fiction
- Scientology
- serial music
- sin
- sitcom
- slang
- slanting in journalism
- snake-handling in religious practice
- social media
- social networking
- the soul
- space and place in literature
- speakeasy
- special effects in movies
- Stonehenge
- suffering
- sustainable design
- symbolism
- tabloid ethics
- tattoos
- textile arts
- Theater of the Absurd
- Third Stream music
- totem poles
- tramp art
- Transcendentalists
- trickster
- troubadours
- urban sculpture
- vampires
- Virginia authors
- vocal vibrato
- voodoo
- war--influence on arts
- witches
- women artists, musicians, writers
- women as priests
- women photographers
- women's roles in history
- world music
- yellow journalism
- yin/yang
- Zoroastrianism