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Browse a Website
One way to find a topic is to browse websites specific to your area of interest. Go to any of the websites below and look for articles and headlines on something that interests you. While most of these articles will not provide in depth information, they can be a great starting point, inspiring you to explore a topic or issue in more depth.
Stream Videos and Podcasts
Watch a documentary or video on a topic that interests you. As you watch, note names of people who are interviewed or discussed, places visited and issues explored. Doing this can help you take the next step in focusing your topic and exploring it in more depth.
Education Topics
- ability grouping
- academic preparation & job performance
- adaptive physical education
- alcohol on campus
- American Sign Language
- assessment
- at-risk children
- athletes & grades
- bilingual education--mandatory?
- blended learning
- boarding schools
- bullies
- busing
- career counseling
- charter schools
- cheating
- children with ADHD
- class size
- classroom management
- cleft palate & related disorders
- collaborative learning
- college rankings
- community colleges
- community immersion
- competition--good or bad?
- completion rates
- computer literacy
- computer-assisted instruction
- COVID-19 and educational systems
- cyberbullying
- digital divide
- discipline
- distance learning
- dropouts
- E-learning
- early childhood education
- early enrollment in college
- fraternities & sororities
- funding for schools
- gender-segregated education
- hazing
- health insurance as college requirement
- home schooling
- homework
- information literacy
- intervention plans
- ivory tower
- learning analytics
- learning modalities
- learning styles- do they exist?
- learning theories
- literacy
- mainstreaming
- mentoring
- merit pay for teachers
- motivation to learn
- myth of the digital native
- "No Child Left Behind"
- nutrition in school lunches
- online education
- outcomes-based education
- parental involvement
- peer counseling
- phonics approach to reading
- plagiarism
- portfolios
- problem solving
- psychoacoustics
- Race to the Top
- response to intervention
- retention policies
- school building architecture
- school choice
- school reform (educational change)
- school schedule reform
- school to work programs
- school uniforms
- school-based health clinics/centers
- sex education
- single sex classes
- single sex schools
- standards of learning
- student loans
- teacher salaries
- teacher unions
- teaching moral values
- teaching prescriptions
- technology integration
- violence in schools
- virtual classrooms
- vouchers
- working students